ISI 2024-9. Anacampseros marlothii Poelln

Belonging to the Telephiastrum group of the genus, Anacampseros marlothii displays the smooth, green leaves of the group but these are slender and strap-like in erect tufts. Flowers are showy magenta but ephemeral, only emerging during late spring evenings. Hailing from Sutherland, it should possess considerable cold tolerance, as this is one of the coldest areas in S. Africa. Divisions of numbered clones of HBG 121776, from seed collected by Sean Hogan (SH 1265): S. Africa; N. Cape; Sutherland. $10.

Photo © 2024 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 96 (2), Summer 2024