ISI 2024-22. Sedum clavatum R.T.Clausen

This very succulent sedum has rosettes of egg-like glaucous leaves at the tips of stems to form compact cushions. It could be mistaken for an Echeveria, a Pachyphytum, or a Graptopetalum at first glance. The original distribution of this fairly commonly cultivated plant was ISI 1161 in 1979, the Jorge Meyran collection from the type locality, the Tiscalatengo gorge in the state of Mexico. We are pleased to be able to offer another, more recent collection, that differs in its slightly larger, less glaucous rosettes with a tendency for the leaves to blush pink at the tips. We offer rooted cuts of HBG 108614 received from Myron Kimnach (2005.52) in 2012. It was grown from seed collected by Martin Kristen and Julia Etter (EK 01881) Apr 24, 2005. It grew at 2010 m elevation, on cliffs above Meyuca, Ixtapan de la Sol-Coatepec, in the state of Mexico; Mexico. $10.

rosettes and flowers
Photo © 2024 by John N. Trager. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 96 (2), Summer 2024