ISI 2024-23. Sedum furfuraceum Moran

This rather slow-growing species has low-growing, 3 mm diameter stems covered with a silvery-brown skin and tipped with dark green, slightly three-angled, ovoid leaves, 6 – 11 mm long, with a sparse coating of dandruff-like, waxy scales. We have been slowly propagating this documented collection and now have enough for introduction. The type collection of this species was introduced as ISI 428 in 1964. However, it is not known if that collection is still in cultivation. Therefore, we offer this collection made by Sedum authority Robert Clausen, Jan 24, 1980, at the type locality: Mexico; San Luís Potosí; Ranchíto de Juarez, 11 mi. SE of Zaragosa, 2100 m. Rooted cuts of HBG 47681. $10.

Photo © 2024 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 96 (2), Summer 2024