ISI 2024-24. Sedum humifusum Rose

This is another sedum introduced long ago, as ISI 205 in 1961. Such species tend to circulate among specialist collectors whose collections may come and go as interests shift. Commercial introductions are likewise ephemeral, subject to the whims of demand and usually cleansed of provenance. Such is the case with this collection, which nevertheless merits cultivation for its inherent charms as a dwarf mat-former, ornamented with sessile, yellow, star-like flowers. We offer HBG 128847, from Myron Kimnach (90115) Jul 10, 2014, ex H. Regnat ex Herr Hausler (Germany), cultivated origin. $8.

Photo © 2024 by Karen Zimmerman. Images may not be used elsewhere without permission.

Published in the Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 96 (2), Summer 2024